Inbound Marketing: how to write content that works

Content is the pillar of any Inbound Marketing strategy as it can be determined through keywords by highly interested customers and/or prospects, and it can help determine what users do once they arrive at the website, as well as to identify which products prompt Conversion. However, for this to happen you need content that works, and to achieve that there are 10 tips to follow to make sure you produce content that is optimized for readers, search engines, and marketing goals.


1. Think about the title:

The title of the content serves as a guide to stay on topic and avoid deceiving readers

2. Identify the audience:

Knowing who you are writing for allows you to adopt the appropriate tone and language

3. Set the objective:

Publishing content without a goal is like throwing a stone into the sea: whether the goal is to increase brand awareness, lead generation, or to improve SEO, one must have an objective clearly in mind.

4. Choose a main keyword:

The main keyword must exactly embody the topic of the content and must appear in the title. Once this has been established, identify a few other related keywords to be disseminated in the text of the post.

5. Explain the value

Content that works is that which allows safe, easy, and reasonably fast arrivals in order to meet one’s needs: concrete examples, relevant details, numbers and facts, and honest information are the secret to the success of effective content.

6. Write simply

Ideally you should write for the comprehension level of approximately a middle-school student. Showing off difficult terms, unexplained, concepts, and subtleties pushes users away and prevents Conversion.

7. Be original

Do not plagiarize, and in the case of quotations, always cite the sources.

8. Think about readability

Most cases of website access is now done by mobile devices: divide the text into short blocks, use bold font, insert images and graphics, and avoid sentences that are too long.

9. Add links

Content that works contains links inside which refer to other relevant and related content, either within or outside of the site.

10. Finish with a call to action

If the objective of the post is Engagement, Conversion, and/or Retention, conclude the text with a clear and transparent call to action that will make users understand what you expect from them.




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